
 In the case where a document in a foreign language must be attached to a written application for the commercial registration, as a general rule, Japanese translation of the document must be attached to the application.
 However, the translation can be omitted in the following cases.

外国会社の登記の添付書面 (Documents to be attached for the registration of a foreign company)

[Minutes of general shareholders meeting, etc.]



 In the case where minutes of general shareholders meeting or board of directors meeting of a foreign company (certified by the competent government agency or consul in Japan of the foreign company’s own state or any other competent authority) must be attached under the provision of Article 129 (1) or (2), or Article 130 (1) of the Commercial Registration Act (Act No. 125, 1963), it is permitted to omit the part which is not related to the registration of business offices or representatives in Japan from the translation.

< Example of translation of minutes of general shareholders meeting (extract) and the certificate by a notary of the foreign company’s own state (In the case of reappointing of a representative in Japan)>


[Note] The minutes of general shareholders meeting, etc. of a domestic company
  For Japanese stock company, etc. (So-called a domestic company), which are incorporated under the provision of Companies Act (Act No. 86, 2005), minutes of general shareholders meeting or board of directors meeting of a domestic company or other documents which are required under the Companies Act must be prepared  in Japanese.


[A document equivalent to certificate of registered information]


   When attaching a certificate of registered information in a foreign state as a document for the registration of changes in Article 130 (1) of the Commercial Registration Act, it is permitted to omit the part which is not related to the registration of changes from the translation. In this case, please prepare the translation as follows.

< Example of translation of a part of certificate of registered information (In the case of the registration of relocation of head office) >

外国官憲発行の各種証明書 (Certificates issued by foreign official)


  It is permitted to omit the part of certificates that does not relate to the registration or the certification (such as the part which is used only for their administrative purposes) from the translation.
  In this case, please mention in the translation that the part which is used only for their administrative purposes is omitted from the translation.
  However, the information related to primary responsibility of certificate (Consul, notary, etc.) cannot be omitted from the translation.
  Also, in the case where a certificate is described in multiple foreign languages (for example, foreign official language and English), it is sufficient to prepare Japanese translation for only one of those languages.

パスポートの写し    等

<Examples of Certificates>
Signature certificate
Identification certificate
Copy of passport     etc.


*If you have any question about documents for the commercial registration, please consult the registry office which has jurisdiction over the matter.
Please refer to the location list of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau for the contact information of each Legal Affairs Bureaus.